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BYD Auto Purchases Shuntec’s CNC Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2021-12-30-03:58:54Views:138

BYD Co., Ltd. Founded in 1995, it was listed on the Hong Kong Main Board on July 31, 2002. The company is headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. It is a high-tech private enterprise with three major industrial clusters: IT, automobile, and new energy.

BYD has nine production bases in Guangdong, Beijing, Shaanxi, Shanghai, and other places, with a total area of nearly 7 million square meters, and has branches in the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea, India and other countries, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Or office, the total number of employees now exceeds 150,000.

CNC Hydraulic Press

For the precision stamping process of auto parts, BYD Automobile purchased Shuntec’s CNC hydraulic press, which greatly improved the accuracy and production efficiency of the product.

Production status before purchase: An ordinary hydraulic press is cumbersome to operate, with insufficient manpower, and insufficient order fulfillment!

Production status after purchase: The use of CNC hydraulic press saves labor, improves efficiency, and no longer has to worry about the production situation!

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