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China FAW Purchases Shuntec’s Servo Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-01-13-06:32:47Views:123

China FAW Group Corporation, the corporate brand “China FAW”. On July 15, 1953, the first automobile factory broke ground, and the new China automobile industry started from here. On June 28, 2011, according to the requirements of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, China FAW reorganized its main business and established China FAW Co., Ltd.

Servo Press

China FAW purchases Shuntec’s servo presses for precision press-fitting of auto parts, such as cylinder heads, cylinder liners, oil seals, gears, pins, etc.

The pressure assembly operation of the servo press is a common process method in mechanical engineering. Especially in the automobile and auto parts industry, the assembly of bearings, bushings, and other parts is realized by pressure assembly. Unlike traditional hydraulic press systems, electric servo presses are fully electric. Because of the latest electric servo technology, it is maintained without hydraulic components. Electric servo press-fitting equipment is more and more popular among users, because of its unique intelligent features of various press-fitting modes, real-time control, and detection, which is a leap in press-fitting technology.

Shuntec –  Servo press manufacturer. For more products/information don’t hesitate to call /email us.

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