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Changsha Boda Purchases Shuntec’s Servo-Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-03-08-09:20:42Views:126

Changsha Boda Machinery Parts Co., Ltd. was established in May 2000. Its predecessor was the Die Casting Factory of Changsha Automobile Electric Factory of China National Automobile Industry Corporation. The company is mainly engaged in die casting of aluminum alloy parts, die casting machining, and mold manufacturing, and is committed to the development and mass production of high-quality products mainly for auto parts. Civil equipment provides die-casting products.

Changsha Boda Machinery Purchases Shuntec's Servo-Hydraulic Press

Changsha Boda Machinery Parts Co., Ltd. purchased Shuntec’s servo-hydraulic press. Shuntec’s servo-hydraulic press is driven by an AC servo motor, which can save 50% of electric energy, 50% of hydraulic oil, reduce noise by more than 20db on average, and also simplify the hydraulic system, with high reliability and convenient maintenance. The pressure adopts the closed-loop control of the servo motor-pressure sensor, and the position adopts the closed-loop control of the servo motor displacement sensor to realize the digital control of all parameters. The cylinder is a piston-type oil cylinder with a built-in fast cylinder, which can realize fast descending, slow pressing action, and improve production efficiency.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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