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Getrag (Jiangxi) Purchases Shuntec’s Servo Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-03-11-07:49:53Views:175

GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission System Co., Ltd. is a powerful alliance between Germany’s GETRAG (GETRAG) Group and Jiangling Motors Group (JMCG) to jointly create the world’s best provider of transmission technology products and services. Jiangxi Nanchang was officially put into operation. The company is located in Changbei Economic and Technological Development Zone, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.

Getrag (Jiangxi) Purchases Shuntec's Servo Press

GETRAG (Jiangxi) Transmission System Co., Ltd. purchased Shuntec’s servo presses from its factory in Dudu, which are used for press-fitting of automobile steering gear components, transmission shaft components, and gearbox components. The Shuntec’s servo press is driven by a servo motor to carry out the pressure assembly operation with a high-precision ball screw, and the pressure is directly converted by the torque output of the servo motor. Real-time monitoring and real-time control ensure 100% quality of the assembly process. The modular closed-loop servo control system is used for force and displacement monitoring, force, and time monitoring, with pressure control, displacement control, and speed control. High accuracy. Pressure accuracy <1%, position accuracy (mm) ±0.01. Judgment function and traceability, safety, environmental protection, and energy-saving.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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