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Lianyi Motor Purchases Shuntec’s Servo Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-01-27-07:30:24Views:130

· Lianyi Motor Purchases Shuntec’s Servo Press.

Zhejiang Lianyi Motor Co., Ltd. is a national key high-tech enterprise with nearly 1,500 employees. The company’s main products are AC, permanent magnet DC, brushless, stepping, servo motors and other micro motors and electric push rod actuators, parallel shafts, worm gears, planetary gear reducers, motor drives, scooters and other professional controllers, and bio-based food waste machines, elderly scooters, sweepers and other terminal products have formed a series of products with more than 200 specifications and more than 5,000 models.

Servo Press

Zhejiang Lianyi Motor Co., Ltd. purchases Shuntec’s servo press. The servo press adopts a modular closed-loop servo control system, which can monitor force and displacement, force and time, and has pressure control, displacement control, and speed control. Pressure accuracy <1%, position accuracy (mm) ±0.01. Collect data in real-time and output force and displacement curves, equipped with tolerance recognition window, and automatically judge the press-fitting result OK/NG. Automatic press-fitting equipment is non-standard customized equipment, which can be independently developed according to your requirements.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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