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Samsung Electric Purchased Shuntec’s CNC Press Machine

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-14-08:39:50Views:119

Tianjin Samsung Electric Co., Ltd. was established in December 1993 with a total investment of 360 million US dollars. It is a world-renowned supplier of core components for electronic products, mainly producing core components for digital products such as mobile phones, computers, and multimedia. It focuses on the development and production of the latest electronic products such as Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards (MLR), chip equipment, communication components for mobile phones, and optical film equipment.

Tianjin Samsung Electric Purchased Shuntec's CNC Press Machine

Tianjin Samsung Electric Co., Ltd. purchased Shuntec’s CNC press machine.

Application introduction of Shuntec’s CNC press machine: large tonnage, high precision, and precision crimping stator;

Production situation before purchasing: It is necessary to implement 30t pressure to crimp the stator, but the accuracy is less than 0.05 wire;

Production after purchase: The purchase of the Xintaiming CNC press has never been loose again, not only the quality has been improved, but the efficiency has also improved.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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