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Tianjin University Purchases Shuntec’s Hot Press Forming Machine

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-02-18-06:13:01Views:207

Tianjin University of Technology covers a total area of 1.567 million square meters and a construction area of 693,000 square meters. 7 first-level disciplines (computer science and technology, materials science and engineering, management science and engineering, electronic science and technology, chemical engineering and technology, control science and engineering, electrical engineering) were rated as key disciplines in Tianjin, and one discipline ( Software Engineering) is included in the key cultivation disciplines. Tianjin University of Technology purchases Shuntec’s hot press forming machine.

Hot Press Forming Machine

Production situation before purchasing: Before purchasing, the customer borrowed manual presses from other schools. The heating time and pressure holding time are uncontrolled, and the test data is inaccurate. In addition, the test time is long and time-consuming.

Production situation after purchase: After using our equipment, pressure control and temperature control can be achieved. The main point is that the test time is shortened. The original test took one day in the morning or even a day. Now it only takes half an hour to complete, and a lot can be done in one day. other experiments.

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