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Adjust The Back Tension Pressure Of The Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-03-25-08:42:14Views:149

When the hydraulic press is in use, what is the specific working principle? How to adjust its back-stretching pressure?

The hydraulic machine stretches in the opposite direction to the completed work, the amount and duration of oil, the degree of piston wear, the control valve, etc., to protect the hydraulic circuit. The corresponding key points of the hydraulic press are mainly to control and adjust the flow, pressure, and flow of the hydraulic medium, so as to control the movement direction, movement speed, and action sequence of the actuator.

Adjust The Back Tension Pressure Of The Hydraulic Press

Like ordinary mechanical punches, hydraulic press limit and adjust the working pressure of the hydraulic system to avoid overload return valves, reversing valves, etc. When working, the corresponding performance and positive impulse are the same, and both affect each other, and it is not difficult to understand the corresponding operating principle.

All in all, in the daily use process, it is very important to master the corresponding method when adjusting the back-stretching pressure of the hydraulic press. And when making adjustments, you should also clarify the relevant precautions to ensure that the anti-stretch pressure is adjusted in place.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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