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Analysis Of Crawling Phenomenon Of Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-06-14-08:47:30Views:123

The actuators of hydraulic presses (hydraulic cylinders or hydraulic motors) often require very low speeds, such as moving a few millimeters per minute or even less than 1mm or rotating a few revolutions per minute. At this time, there will often be obvious uneven speed, intermittent movement and stop, one fast and one slow, one jump and one-stop. This phenomenon of hydraulic presses is called crawling, that is, the problem of low-speed stability. The minimum speed at which no crawling phenomenon occurs is called the critical speed of motion smoothness.

The crawling of the hydraulic press machine could be very harmful, it can cause damages to reduce the working surface quality (roughness) and machining accuracy of the hydraulic equipment, resulting in reducing the service life of hydraulic machine tools, and even producing waste and accidents, so it must be excluded.

Analysis Of Crawling Phenomenon Of Hydraulic Press

The possible reasons of hydraulic press crawling as follows:

1) The accuracy of the guide rail is poor, and the guide rail surface (V-shaped, flat guide rail) is severely twisted.

2) The new hydraulic press equipment, the guide rail has not been run in.

3) There are rust spots on the rail surface.

4) The guide rail is not well scraped, the number of points is insufficient, and the points are uneven.

5) The oil groove opened on the guide rail is not good, the depth is too shallow, it has been worn off during operation, the oil groove opened is uneven, and the length of the oil groove is too short.

6) The guide rail pressure plate inserts are adjusted too tightly, and the guide rail pair materials’ dynamic and static friction coefficients are vastly different.

7) The axis line of the hydraulic cylinder on the hydraulic press is not parallel to the guide rail.

8) Corrosion of the arresting section (local section crawling) and strain in the cylinder bore of the hydraulic cylinder on the hydraulic press.

9) Hydraulic cylinder piston or cylinder head seal is too tight, blocked, or too loose.

10) The hydraulic cylinder and installation accuracy of the hydraulic press is poor, and the co-axiality of the piston, piston rod, cylinder hole, and cylinder head hole are poor.

11) The hydraulic cylinder hole, piston rod, and piston on the hydraulic press have poor accuracy.

12) The downtime of the hydraulic press is too long, and the moisture in the oil (especially the coolant of the grinder) causes some parts to corrode.

13) The hydrostatic guide rail restrictor is blocked, and the guide rail is cut off from oil.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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