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Anti-Interference Measures Of Four-Column Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-27-09:59:25Views:155

1. Physical isolation method, increase the distance between the disturbed circuit or device of the four-column hydraulic press and the source of interference, and it is recommended to use a stable power supply. An isolation transformer is connected in between.

2. Shielding method, in order to keep the four-column hydraulic press and components from being affected by external electromagnetic fields, isolation and shielding measures are usually adopted: electrostatic shielding, low-frequency magnetic field shielding, and electromagnetic shielding to withstand or exclude electromagnetic waves by means of reflection or absorption.

Anti-Interference Measures Of Four-Column Hydraulic Press

3. Grounding method, the four-column hydraulic press connects its casing to the ground for protection grounding. If the four-column hydraulic press system ground wire is connected to the ground, it is the system grounding, which can also achieve anti-interference by means of protective grounding system grounding.

4. The filter can suppress the input interference and various interferences induced on the signal transmission line. The commonly used low-pass filters and DC filters are generally installed between the power supply of the four-column hydraulic press and the numerical control device.

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