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Application Of Servo Press In Automobile Equipment

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-05-25-09:39:36Views:95

In modern automobile assembly technology, the application of the servo press in the subframe press is super obvious. The application of rubber bushings/nylon bushings/hydraulic bushings is more and more extensive, and the impact on vehicle performance and comfort is also greater. increasingly important. In order to ensure assembly quality, a servo press is usually used in the assembly of the subframe bushing.

The servo press has achieved a new breakthrough in domestic stamping technology, which is of great significance to breaking the monopoly of foreign markets and promoting the autonomy of domestic automobile industry equipment. Stamping is the first process in automobile manufacturing. With the rapid development of modern automobile manufacturing technology, new materials, and composite materials are widely used, and the requirements for flexibility and intelligence of stamping equipment are getting higher and higher.

Application Of Servo Press In Automobile Equipment

The stamping technology of the servo press completely breaks through the concept of the traditional mechanical press, adopts servo motor drive technology, cancels flywheel, clutch, and brake, and directly provides stamping energy by servo motor. In the stamping process, according to different materials and different process requirements, It realizes the adjustment of running speed and forming force and has the characteristics of high quality, high efficiency, energy-saving, and environmental protection. Shuntec’s servo press is important progress and breakthrough in domestic automobile equipment.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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