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Classification Of Horizontal Extrusion Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-01-18-06:31:22Views:104

According to the extrusion methods, horizontal extrusion press can be divided into three types: forward extruders, reverse extruders, and combined extruders. There is no principled difference in the basic structure between them.

Horizontal Extrusion Press

·Classification Of Horizontal Extrusion Press.

According to the different uses and structures of the extrusion press, the horizontal extrusion press can be divided into a rod-type extrusion press and a tube-rod extrusion press, or called a single-action and double-action extrusion press. The main difference between the two is that the latter has an independent perforation system. Rod extrusion press is mainly used for solid-section products, but hollow ingots or composite molds can also be used to produce hollow-section products. On the tube and rod extrusion press, due to the independent perforation system, both solid ingots can be used to produce rods, shapes and tubes, and hollow ingots can be used to produce tubes.

Shuntec –  Horizontal extrusion press manufacturer.

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