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Cleaning Method Of Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-22-08:23:13Views:123

1. Rinse the inner wall of the front and rear covers of the hydraulic press with clean water at high speed. The inner wall of the pipe can be cleaned with a straight strip and then dried with compressed air.

2. Rinse with trichloroethylene solution to make the cleaning liquid circulate in the cooler, preferably the flow direction is opposite to the oil flow direction and the pressure is not more than 0.6MPA. The cleaning time depends on the condition of the dirt, and the last thing that flows out is clean water.

Cleaning Method Of Hydraulic Press

3. For cleaning with soaking, inject the cleaning liquid into the cooler for about 20 minutes. If it is turbid, replace it with a new cleaning liquid and repeat until it is clean, and then rinse it with clean water.

4. After cleaning and maintenance, the cooler should be pressure tested before being installed in the hydraulic press system for use.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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