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Common Faults And Maintenance Of Hydraulic Cylinder

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-11-09:20:33Views:125

Fault phenomenon 1: The cylinder does not work

Fault reasons and solutions:

(1) Due to the blockage of the oil circuit in the hydraulic cylinder, the system pressure oil did not enter the cylinder at all. At this time, it is necessary to clear the oil circuit;

(2) Poor installation and connection may cause other external forces to act in the moving direction. At this point, the cylinder must be properly reinstalled.

Fault phenomenon 2: The hydraulic cylinder can move, but the moving speed is too slow

Common Faults And Maintenance Of Hydraulic Cylinder

Fault reasons and solutions:

(1) It may be that the oil supply of the hydraulic pump is insufficient, causing the pressure to fail to rise. At this time, to eliminate the fault of the hydraulic pump;

(2) It may be caused by excessive system leakage. At this time, check the sealing performance of each component and pipeline;

(3) The rod cavity and non-rod cavity of the oil cylinder have moved, that is, part of the pressure oil in the high-pressure cavity leaks from the piston seal to the low-pressure cavity. At this point, the piston seal assembly needs to be replaced;

(4) If the cylinder barrel or piston is excessively worn, it must be considered whether to polish or replace it directly.

Fault phenomenon 3: hydraulic cylinder leakage

(1) The seal is damaged and needs to be replaced;

(2) If the parts are deformed or damaged, they need to be corrected or replaced directly.

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