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Construction Of A Servo Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-03-21-09:23:41Views:126

The servo press is composed of a servo system, touch screen press-fitting software, safety limit switches, etc., to ensure the safety and high efficiency of manufacturing and assembly. The working principle of the servo press is that the precision ball screw driven by the AC servo motor carries out the precision pressure assembly work. The whole process feedback control of the pressing force and the deep layer can be completed in the press assembly work, and then the precision pressure of the online quality control is completed. Pack.

Construction Of A Servo Press

The servo press is composed of five parts: servo electric cylinder, control box, human-computer interaction technology control module, electric press-fitting system software, and cable control module. Modular design closed-loop control servo control system is selected to complete force, offset, Time data information is collected and analyzed in time, with working pressure control, offset control, and rate control, suitable for occasions with strict management of press-fitting processing technology.

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