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Energy Consumption Analysis Of Hydraulic Press System

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-06-01-08:48:44Views:90

The energy consumption of the hydraulic press system is mainly manifested in the increase of the oil temperature of the hydraulic system. The harm is to increase the internal leakage and external leakage of hydraulic components, accelerate the aging of the oil, make the oil lose its original lubricity, viscosity-temperature characteristics, and other physical properties, and accelerate the wear and performance of the components in the hydraulic system, and affect the components. life and system reliability, resulting in decreased equipment efficiency or even loss of functionality.

Energy Consumption Analysis Of Hydraulic Press System

The hydraulic press system generates heat, and a cooling system needs to be set up to dissipate the heat generated by the system, and the cooling system also requires a certain power consumption, which further increases the energy consumption of the hydraulic system and the consumption of cooling water resources.

The energy consumption of hydraulic press motion refers to the energy consumption generated by some mechanical actions that do not do work on the workpiece. For example, the rapid drop of the slider of the hydraulic press causes the potential energy of the slider to be converted into heat energy consumption. The potential energy of the slider does not make any contribution to the forming of the workpiece.

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