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Features Of Servo Press Electric Cylinder

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-06-09:55:40Views:113

Servo press electric cylinder is a modular product that integrates a servo motor and leads screw, converts the rotary motion of the servo motor into linear motion, and at the same time converts the advantages of the servo motor: precise speed control, precise rotation control, and precise torque control. Complete – precise speed control, precise position control, precise thrust control; a brand new revolutionary product that realizes high-precision linear motion series.

Features Of Servo Press Electric Cylinder

Main features of Shuntec’s Servo Press Electric Cylinder:

1. The electric cylinder of the servo press can be trouble-free in harsh environments, and the protection level can reach IP66. Low noise, energy-saving, clean, high rigidity, impact resistance, long life, simple operation, and maintenance.

2. The electric cylinder of the servo press only needs regular grease injection and lubrication when working in a complex environment, and there are no wearing parts that need to be maintained and replaced, which will reduce a lot of after-sales service costs compared with hydraulic systems and pneumatic systems.

3. The electric cylinder of the service press can provide a very flexible installation configuration; the driver can choose an AC brake motor, DC motor, stepper motor, and servo motor.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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