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How To Cool Down Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-21-09:56:31Views:185

1. When the hydraulic press starts the cooler to work, it is forbidden to open the water inlet valve quickly, because when a large amount of cooling water flows through the cooler, a “supercooled layer” with poor thermal conductivity will be formed on the surface of the heat exchange tube, which will make the cooler later. The optimal cold and heat exchange effect cannot be achieved.

2. If electrochemical corrosion occurs on the waterside, an anti-galvanic zinc rod can be installed on the waterside (in the reserved hole).

3. The cooling water usually adopts purified freshwater as the cooling medium. Prevent limescale formation. The cooling water temperature should be as low as possible and the flow should be larger.

How To Cool Down Hydraulic Press

4. The measured pressure of the cooler oil should be greater than the waterside pressure.

5. In the cold season of the hydraulic press, the cooling water should be drained when the cooler is not working, so as to avoid freezing the cooling pipe.

6. The cooler should be internally cleaned every 6-8 months.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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