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How To Store Hydraulic Cylinder?

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-02-17-05:54:07Views:115

In a hydraulic press, a hydraulic cylinder is a hydraulic actuator that converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and performs linear reciprocating motion. When we’re not using the hydraulic cylinder, we store it instead of leaving it outside. But most people’s storage methods are non-standard, so what is the storage method of hydraulic cylinders?

How To Store Hydraulic Cylinder?

After using the hydraulic cylinder, clean it with diesel oil or kerosene, and then apply lubricating oil on it or spray diesel oil on the inner and outer surfaces. Then wrap it with a cloth or oiled paper and apply anti-rust oil inside it. After that, it is put into a wooden box and stored in a dry environment without corrosive substances. This storage method is beneficial to increase the service life of the hydraulic cylinder. The hydraulic cylinder should be placed vertically to avoid bending and deformation of the steel cylinder. Storage is also a method of maintaining equipment, so everyone must learn the correct storage method of hydraulic cylinders.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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