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Hydraulic Check Valve For Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-05-07-09:57:27Views:134

The hydraulic control check valve in the hydraulic press is a special check valve, which can not only realize the function of the general check valve but also realize the reverse flow according to the needs.

When selecting a hydraulically controlled check valve for a hydraulic press, the control pressure required by the hydraulically controlled check valve should be considered.

In addition, the influence of system pressure changes on the control oil circuit pressure changes should also be considered to avoid a false start.

The hydraulic control check valve circuit design should ensure that the reverse oil flow has sufficient control pressure to ensure the opening of the valve core. Internal drain type and external drain type hydraulic control check valve are respectively used in the occasions where the reverse outlet port oil flow is under lower or higher pressure to reduce the control pressure.

Hydraulic Check Valve For Hydraulic Press

When the hydraulic control check valve in the hydraulic press pushes the valve core open from the control piston, the reverse oil flow passes through, the control oil is discharged, and the control piston returns. During the process of re-closing the spool, the oil in the control piston cavity is drained from the control oil port. If the oil return of the control oil circuit is relatively high, the oil discharge will not be smooth, the control piston cannot return quickly, and the closing speed of the valve core will also be affected. Meet the requirements.

Therefore, the external leakage hydraulic control check valve can be used to introduce the pressure oil into the external leakage port and force the control piston to return quickly.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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