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Precautions For Pressure Test Of Four-Column Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-23-10:10:01Views:142

The four-column hydraulic press is a kind of hydraulic press that uses special hydraulic oil as the working medium, uses the hydraulic pump as the power source, and relies on the force of the pump to make the hydraulic oil enter the cylinder/piston through the hydraulic pipeline, and then there are several groups of seals in the cylinder/piston that cooperate with each other. The seals at different positions are different, but they all play a role in sealing so that the hydraulic oil cannot leak.

Precautions For Pressure Test Of Four-Column Hydraulic Press

Precautions for the pressure test of the four-column hydraulic press:

1. First, you must understand the principle of the machine and the corresponding structural performance, and carry out the pressure test according to the instructions for use.

2. During the pressure test of the hydraulic press, the safety valve of the system should be adjusted to the selected test pressure value.

3. After turning on the power, start the motor and observe whether the rotation direction is correct.

4. Safety measures must be taken during the test. In the process of operation and commissioning, great attention should be paid to the temperature change of the hydraulic oil. The most suitable temperature for a general hydraulic system is 40 to 50 °C. When working at this temperature, the efficiency of the hydraulic components is the highest, and the oxidation resistance of the oil is in the best state.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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