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Pressure Regulation Of Four-Column Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-09-08:48:57Views:104

The speed control circuit commonly used in the hydraulic speed control system of the four-column hydraulic press has a step-less speed control circuit. The different speed control methods can be divided into a saving speed control circuit and a volume speed control circuit.

1. Save the speed control system. According to the system of changing the valve opening of the flow control element of the four-column hydraulic press to achieve the purpose of speed regulation, it can be divided into the saving valve is installed in the oil inlet circuit; the saving valve device, and the oil return circuit; the saving valve is installed in the branch oil circuit.

Pressure Regulation Of Four-Column Hydraulic Press

2. Volume speed control system. According to the system of changing the displacement of the hydraulic pump or the hydraulic motor of the four-column hydraulic press to achieve the purpose of speed regulation. They are variable pump – hydraulic cylinder system; variable pump – variable hydraulic motor system; quantitative pump – variable hydraulic motor system; variable pump – quantitative hydraulic motor system.

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