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Reasons And Analysis Of Hydraulic Press Impact

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-06-09-10:13:02Views:113

In the hydraulic press system, the inertial force of the high-speed moving working parts may also cause a pressure shock in the hydraulic press system. Before solving the problem, we must first analyze the reasons for the impact of the hydraulic press:

1.In the hydraulic press system, due to some reason, the pressure of the oil increases sharply in an instant, forming a large pressure value and changing alternately. This phenomenon is called hydraulic shock.

2.The pressure generated by the shock causes the pressure relay to send false signals, affecting the stability and reliability of the hydraulic system.

3.The main reasons for the hydraulic shock are: hydraulic shock mostly occurs when the liquid flow suddenly stops moving, such as closing the valve quickly, and the flow speed of the liquid suddenly drops to zero. At this time, the liquid is squeezed, and the kinetic energy of the liquid is converted into the pressure energy, so the pressure of the liquid rises sharply, causing hydraulic shock.

Reasons And Analysis Of Hydraulic Press Impact

4.The impact pressure of the hydraulic press is three times higher than the normal working pressure, and the original parts, pipes, and instruments in the system are damaged.

5.Because some components in the hydraulic press system are not sensitive enough to reflect the action, it will also cause hydraulic shock. For example, the relief valve cannot be opened quickly when the overpressure occurs, resulting in the overshoot of the pressure; the pressure-limiting variable hydraulic pump cannot reduce the oil delivery in time when the oil pressure rises, etc., which will cause hydraulic shock.

It can be seen that the hydraulic shock of the hydraulic press will not only affect the stability and reliability of performance, but also cause vibration and noise, loose connecting parts, and even damage to hydraulic components, pipeline leakage, and instrument damage. The consequences are very serious.

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