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Reasons And Treatment Methods For Hydraulic Cylinder Failure

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-05-04-10:08:28Views:210

1. The spool of the flow valve in the hydraulic cylinder is blocked, which can easily cause the action of the hydraulic cylinder to fail: it is necessary to check whether the oil in the hydraulic cylinder has contaminants, and check whether the valve body is worn;

2. When the piston rod and hydraulic cylinder are blocked: it is necessary to check whether the seal of the piston rod is too tight, whether there is contamination entering, whether the axis line is centered and whether the easily damaged components are invalid;

3. If the pressure controlled by the hydraulic system is too low, it will also cause the action of the hydraulic cylinder to fail: it is necessary to check the control pressure source to ensure that the pressure value is in line with the specified value of the system;

Reasons And Treatment Methods For Hydraulic Cylinder Failure

4. If there is air entering the hydraulic system, the hydraulic cylinder will malfunction: it is necessary to check the liquid level of the hydraulic oil tank, check the seals, filters, and pipe joints;

5. In an environment where the temperature is too low, the viscosity of the hydraulic oil will increase, so the fluidity will be poor, so the action of the hydraulic cylinder will slow down, and the action will gradually fail: it is necessary to replace the hydraulic oil with better viscosity and temperature performance. In the case of low temperature, the heater can be used to increase the oil temperature when starting.

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