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Reasons For Insufficient Pressure Of The Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-06-20-09:20:03Views:107

There are several reasons for the insufficient pressure of the hydraulic press. This article briefly introduces the following:

First of all, common-sense operation errors of hydraulic press. For example, the reversed connection of three-phase power supply, insufficient oil level in the fuel tank, or not-properly adjusted pressure regulating valve to increase the pressure. This is usually the reason that occurs when a novice first uses a hydraulic press.

Reasons For Insufficient Pressure Of The Hydraulic Press

Secondly, the power of the hydraulic press is not enough. This usually occurs on the old machine, where the pump is worn out or the motor is aging. You can put your palm on the oil pipe to see, if the suction is strong when the machine is pressed, the pump will be fine. Otherwise there is a problem. For the reason of aging of the motor, because it can’t bring so much power, the sound of the motor will be very loud.

Next, there may be a leak in the hydraulic press. You can first check whether there are obvious signs of oil leakage on the surface of the machine. If yes, there may be some damage to the oil seal of the piston. We recommend to disconnect the cylinder and replace the oil seal.

Finally, the hydraulic press valve may be broken or blocked. The internal spring may be stuck by impurities and cannot be reset, which will cause the pressure to fail to come up; if it is a manual reversing valve, you can just remove it and wash it to solve problem.

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