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Safety Operating Instruction For Two-Column Hydraulic Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-07-19-04:39:11Views:104

The operator of the two-column hydraulic press must carefully read the “Operation Instruction” and operate it according to the prescribed requirements before starting the machine.

1. Check whether the oil in the oil tank of the two-column hydraulic press is sufficient.

2. Clear debris between the hydraulic ram or slider plate and the die space.

Safety Operating Instruction For Two-Column Hydraulic Press

3. Check if the steering of the motor is consistent with the steering arrow on the oil pump.

4. When the control valve or safety valve fails, it is not allowed to continue to work.

5. When calibrating or pressing the workpiece, the workpiece should be placed in the center of the hydraulic ram, and an off-center is allowed.

6. When the operator leaves the two-column hydraulic press, the motor must be turned off and the power supply cut off.

7. The operator must ensure that the machine tool is in good and safe operating condition at all times.

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LINKS: Shuntec PressCustom Hydraulic PressMachine Manufacturer