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Take You To Understand The Hydraulic Press In One Minute

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-25-09:57:35Views:127

1. The basic principle of the hydraulic press

Hydraulic presses use Pascal’s law to make use of liquid pressure transmission machinery. There are many types and uses. For example, according to the type of liquid that transmits pressure, there are two types of hydraulic presses and hydraulic presses. The total pressure generated by the hydraulic press is large and is often used in forging and stamping. Forging hydraulic press is divided into die forging hydraulic press and free forging hydraulic press. Die forging hydraulic presses use molds, while free forging hydraulic presses do not use molds.

Take You To Understand The Hydraulic Press In One Minute

2. The hydraulic press is suitable for various stamping processes such as stretching, punching, bending, flanging, and cold extrusion of metal materials. It is also suitable for calibration, press fitting, pressing and molding of powder products and abrasive products, as well as plastic products and insulating products. compression molding.

3. How hydraulic presses work

F1/A1=F2/A2 Since A2>A1, make F2>F1,

The hydraulic function can use the small action force F1 on the small plunger (the plunger of the pump) to generate a large force F2 on the large plunger (the plunger of the hydraulic machine).

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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