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Technical Features of Servo Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-06-07-10:10:32Views:102

A servo press refers to the press that uses a servo motor for driving control. It can arbitrarily program the stroke, speed, pressure, etc. of the slider on the user-friendly HMI interfaces, and it can reach the nominal tonnage of the press even at low speed.

The following introduces the technical Features of the servo press:

1. Production capacity

The high-speed production capacity of the servo press can be increased to a maximum of 18SPM.

2. Real-time curve

The servo press can set different real-time curves according to different applications.

3. Save energy

Servo presses can save power flow during the acceleration and deceleration processes.

Technical Features of Servo Press

4. Reduce the drawing speed

The low drawing speed of the servo press can reduce the impact on the die, improve die life, and reduce cost.

5. Small footprint

The basic length of the traditional four presses is about 25m, while the basic length of the four servo presses is about 16m.

6. Practical application

The servo press realizes the synchronous movement of the left and right sides of the slider through the high-precision control of the two servo motor groups. At the same time, when the slider has an eccentric load, the parallelism of the slider is compensated by electrical control, so that the parallelism of the slider becomes flexible and controllable to meet a greater extent of requirements. On the premise of meeting the accuracy requirements, the servo press not only has stronger anti-eccentric load performance but also allows a larger eccentric load area.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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