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The Advantages Of Servo Powder Molding Machine -(01)

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-05-21-09:14:54Views:156

Equipment Advantages-01:

Through the motor drives the screw-down, the driver sends its own pulse to convert the position, data accurate display, and stop, the equipment limits multi-layer control.

Below the servo powder molding machine is two sets of servo motors driving the coupling and the screw to precisely control the height of the mold cavity.

The back of the servo powder molding machine is a set of servo machines, which pushes down the powder device back and forth, precisely controlling the position of powder down, controlling the amount of powder, and the high yield of one-time molding.

The Advantages Of Servo Powder Molding Machine -(01)

All the links of the servo powder forming machine are automatically controlled by the system to produce powder cavity, lower power, and lower pressure automatically.

Servo powder molding machine adopts PLC touch screen control system, press system by floating concave mold and the constant principle of molding position, regardless of the height of the part, the demoulding is in the same position.

Servo powder molding machine uses a concave die control system to realize concave die positioning movement and reliable flat-concave die stop design to ensure precision control of molded part size for uniform density and solid and reliable products.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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