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The Failure Of The Servo Hydraulic Press In Operation

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-03-10-08:45:04Views:120

The overload of the servo control system of the servo-hydraulic press is one of the most common faults, and the overload may cause the system to malfunction or damage the test piece, which directly affects the safety and reliability of the system.

Common overload faults of servo-hydraulic presses are:

  • 1. Cavitation

In the servo control system, the cavitation induced by the control load is easy to be ignored, and this kind of cavitation is more serious. For example: in the case of a large inertia servo loading system, when the servo valve returns to zero position or when the reversing control is performed, the piston of the hydraulic cylinder cannot stop reversing immediately due to the inertial load. Once an instantaneous overload occurs, negative pressure will appear in the other chamber.

The Failure Of The Servo Hydraulic Press In Operation
  • 2. Closed-loop control failure

In a closed-loop control system, once the feedback loop fails, it becomes an open-loop control. In this case, an overload phenomenon will occur; the feedback signal is reversed or the command signal is too large, which will also cause the system to overload.

  • 3. Servo valve failure

Servo valve failure due to system contamination will overload the loading system. Therefore, the servo system needs to take some anti-pollution measures before use, such as replacing the servo valve with a flushing cover, the hydraulic oil must be circulated for a certain period of time, and a filter with high precision must be installed in the loop, and then start debugging and running after flushing.

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