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The Role Of The Servo Press In Automobile Manufacturing

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-05-24-09:22:31Views:130

The servo press is a device that integrates assembly and measurement, and can effectively monitor the relationship between force and displacement in the assembly process. The servo press adopts a modular closed-loop servo control system to realize real-time acquisition and analysis of force and displacement time data, and can perform force and displacement monitoring, force, and time monitoring; it has pressure control, displacement control, and speed control.

As a new technology, the servo press has advantages that traditional presses do not have. In automobile manufacturing, such as cylinder head valve seat ring and conduit press fitting, cylinder block water channel plug press fitting, transmission bearing press fitting, wheel hub bearing press-fitting, etc. In the assembly process, the traditional hydraulic press is being gradually replaced by means of equipment renewal, which effectively improves the level of automobile manufacturing technology.

The Role Of The Servo Press In Automobile Manufacturing

The role of the servo press in automobile manufacturing:

1. Precise control of displacement and pressure.

2. Online assembly quality management technology to remove defective products in real-time.

3. Application data analysis, multi-purpose machine.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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