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Ways To Reduce The Noise Of Servo Press

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-03-18-08:49:39Views:181

The noise of the motor link can be reduced by using an elastic coupling, and a low-noise motor can be used to reduce the noise;

The servo press set up anti-vibration rubber pads;

Replace the servo press pipes with hydraulic manifold blocks;

For vibration caused by pressure pulsation, accumulators and hydraulic hoses can be used. The accumulator can absorb noise below 10Hz, and the hydraulic hose can reduce high-frequency noise;

Use sound insulation cover for hydraulic pump;

A venting device should be installed in the system.

Ways to reduce the noise of servo press

Effectively reducing and reducing noise and vibration is one of the main points of maintaining CNC presses. The above points can effectively improve work efficiency and extend the service life of intelligent servo presses.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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