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What Is Hydroforming?

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-01-22-06:36:44Views:142

·What Is Hydroforming?

Hydroforming is a method of stamping sheet metal with liquid pressure instead of rigid punch or die. It can carry out many stamping processes, such as bending, deep drawing, bulging of flat blanks, bulging of space blanks, etc. It can form various complex parts, such as bellows. And it has the advantages of good surface quality, reduced process, simplified mold, and no need for special stamping equipment.

hydroforming equipment

Because the liquid directly acts on the part, it is difficult to seal, and the operation process is much more complicated than that of the general steel mold and rubber mold. Therefore, it is not widely used in mass production.

Shuntec –  Hydroforming equipment manufacturer.

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