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Servo Press Pressing Curve Display

Source:Shuntec Update:2022-04-07-10:16:44Views:109

Because of its programmable slider curve, the servo press is becoming the trend of today’s press production profession, enabling the servo press to achieve higher production takt after being put into production.

Curve display judgment:

1. A variety of judgment boxes can be selected and called arbitrarily.

2. Envelope function for intelligent judgment.

Servo Press Pressing Curve Display

3. The OK/NG judgment result is automatically imported into the PLC.

4. The pressure/position range can be adjusted according to specific needs.

5. The process curve is automatically saved and saved to different folders according to OK/NG. The file name can be time or barcode.

6. The servo press pressing curve can be displayed in real-time during the pressing process, and the data sampling frequency is greater than or equal to 1000 times/second.

7. Judgment point, judgment window, judgment envelope, and other quality testing methods, cooperate with special point testing to solve the quality problem of pressing and ensure product consistency.

Shuntec –  Hydraulic press machine manufacturer.

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